J2EE Patterns

Code: J2EEP
Duration: Days 3
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Price per delegate: $750.00
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Course Description

A Pattern-Based Approach to Effective Java EE Application Design. There is a lot of technology in the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (Java EE) platform. To successfully design applications for the Java EE platform requires a good understanding of these technologies from Enterprise JavaBeans through to JavaServer Pages. However, it is not enough just knowing the mechanics of the different technologies. As people have deployed Java EE-based applications, many good practices have been identified (and quite a few bad ones). These good practices have been encapsulated in several Java EE pattern catalogs and blueprints. This training course examines the primary patterns from these catalogs and explores how Java EE applications can be built around these patterns.
Target Student:
Architects, designers and developers who need to design and implement Java EE applications.
  • Familiarity with the Java Programming Language
  • Experience with the Java EE platform
Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
The training course combines lectures with practical exercises that help the delegates to put what they have learned on the training course into practice. The exercises specifically build on what has been recently taught and are built up as the training course progresses.
Performance-Based Objectives
At the end of this training course, students should be able to:
  • List many of the principal Java EE patterns
  • Assess the suitability of a particular pattern in a given context
  • Describe how these patterns can be implemented
  • Use Java EE patterns as part of application design
  • Describe the Java EE Blueprints and how these use patterns
  • Understand the current state of Java EE patterns and list the major Java EE pattern resources
Course Content
Context of Java EE Applications
  • Java EE technology quick refresher
  • Target application types for Java EE
  • Java EE application architecture
  • Hardware context: layers and tiers
  • Improving the "ilities" (scalability, availability, etc.)
2. Java EE Patterns and Blueprints
  • Pattern forms and relationships
  • Why the GoF (and POSA, etc.) are not enough
  • Benefits and dangers of patterns
  • Java EE patterns and where they fit in
  • Quick tour of major Java EE patterns
  • Patterns and refactoring
  • Java EE blueprints: what are they and why are they there?
3. Distributed Pattern Principles
  • Why are distributed systems different?
  • Reducing data flow: Data Transfer Object
  • Minimizing roundtrips: Batch Method and Combined Method
  • Proxies, decoupling and caching
  • Flexibility through dynamic discovery: Service Locator
  • Server-side decoupling: Remote Facade
4. Web Presentation Patterns
  • Applying the Web processing model
  • What can go bad in the Presentation Layer: a bad example
  • Factoring out: Front Controller, View Helper, Template View
  • Model View Controller in a Java EE Web application
  • MVC variations: Page Controller, Dispatcher View, Service to Worker, Intercepting Filter
  • Building the output: Composite View, Two Step View, Transform View
  • Controlling the flow: Application Controller
  • Session state: the issue, Client Session State, Server Session State, Database Session State
  • Bad example refactored
5. Business Component Patterns
  • Business components and the Java EE model
  • What can go bad in the Business Layer: another bad example
  • Splitting domain and business logic: Transaction Script, Domain Model, Service Layer
  • Business components, EJBs and transactions
  • Distribution and decoupling: Session Fa�ade, Business Interface
  • Asynchronous interaction: Message Fa�ade, Service Activator
  • Client interaction: Business Delegate, EJB Command
  • Managing business data: Composite Entity
  • Data in and out: Data Transfer Object Factory
  • Bad example refactored
6. Persistence and Integration Patterns
  • What can go bad in the Persistence Layer: yet another bad example
  • Types of data
  • Structuring data access: Data Access Object, Row Data Gateway, Active Record, Data Mapper,
  • Object to relational mapping patterns
  • Primary key generation patterns
  • Improving performance: Fast Lane Reader, Value List Handler, Lazy Load
  • State, updates and transactions: Unit of Work
  • Distributed locking: Optimistic Offline Lock, Pessimistic Offline Lock
  • Enterprise application integration: Channel patterns, message patterns, routing patterns
  • Bad example refactored
7. Applications, Java EE Blueprints and Patterns
  • The refactored example application
  • Application issues: security, logging, exceptions, code structure, testing
  • Java EE Blueprint application: Java Pet Store
  • Java EE Blueprint application: Adventure Builder
  • A balanced view: Java Pet Store and the .NET Pet Shop
8. Java EE, Web Services and Patterns
  • Web Service interaction and protocols
  • Java EE Web Service architecture
  • Effect of Web Services on patterns
  • Service orientation, state management and loose coupling
  • Data transfer
  • Web Services and the Java EE Blueprints

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