Business Objects XIR3 Web Intelligence Reporting

Code: BO3WIR
Duration: Days 2
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Price per delegate: $1,000
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Course Description
This two-day course is designed to give new Business Objects users the comprehensive skills needed to create, analyse, and share Web Intelligence XI R3 documents. In a series of instructor led practical sessions you will be shown the fundamentals of Web Intelligence Rich Client and Web Intelligence reporting.
You will learn how to create Web Intelligence documents for your reporting needs, to retrieve data by building queries using BusinessObjects universes and to use Web Intelligence functionality to enhance documents for easier analysis.
A detailed manual is provided with this course and workshops at the end of each section give an opportunity to practice what has been learned.

Target Student: This course is targeted at business users who have little or no experience of BusinessObjects XI R3 Web Intelligence, and are required to create, edit and manage Web Intelligence documents.

Prerequisites: None

Delivery Method:
Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
Course Content

1. Web Intelligence Basics
Describing Web Intelligence concepts
Explaining Web Intelligence core functionality
Describing Web Intelligence and BusinessObjects Enterprise
2. Creating Web Intelligence Documents
Querying with Web Intelligence
Creating a new document
Modifying a document's query
Working with query properties
3. Restricting Data
Restricting data with query filters
Modifying a query with a predefined query filter
Applying a single-value query filter
Using wildcards in query filters
Using prompts to restrict data
Using complex filters
4. Working with Formulas and Variables
Explaining formulas and variables
Using formulas and variables
5. Synchronising Data
Synchronising data from multiple data sources
Creating multiple queries in a document
Synchronising data with merged dimensions
Using a personal data provider
6. Analyzing Data
Analyzing the data cube
Drilling in the Java Report Panel
Setting Web Intelligence drill options
7. Displaying Information
Working with Web Intelligence documents
Displaying data in tables and charts
Creating tables
Working with tables
Presenting data in free-standing cells
Presenting data in charts
8. Enhancing Report Presentation
Using breaks, calculations
Using sorts
Formatting breaks and cross tabs
Using report filters
Ranking data to see top or bottom values
Tracking data changes
Using alerters to highlight information
Organizing a report into sections
Copying data to other applications
9. Formatting Reports
Formatting documents and charts
10. Managing and Sharing Documents
Logging into InfoView
Exporting documents to the CMS
Managing documents in InfoView
Viewing a Web Intelligence document in InfoView
Sharing Web Intelligence documents
Setting InfoView preferences
Describing Web Intelligence report panels
Logging out of InfoView

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