ISTQB® BCS Intermediate Course in Software Testing

Duration: 3 Days
Delivery methods:   Classroom, Virtual Learning, Onsite Event
Price per delegate: $1,050
Trained over 60000 delegates
Delivered by world class instructors
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Course Description

The BCS Intermediate course in Software Testing takes the theory from the BCS - ISTQB Foundation course in Software Testing into its application in the real world. It is a focused course, emphasising the key learning outcome throughout - Bloom's K4. This is the ability to analyze a scenario and make reasoned judgments as to the next steps.

It begins with a refresher of the key topics from the ISTQB Foundation course and introduces the concept of Application Domains. It then considers the challenges of applying the theory in the real world.

Example software testing challenges:

  • The V model requires designs to be reviewed and agreed upon up-front. Can this be applied effectively in today's world?
  • Agile is set up for change. When can the system be reliable without a thorough review of the system design up-front?
  • When could routine walkthroughs be more effective than dedicated system design reviews?
  • Who is responsible for getting the test environment and test data ready?
  • Who tracks estimates against actual spending?
  • If every requirement has an associated test which has passed, why are so many defects being found at the next stage?

Target Student

The Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing is suitable for those who are engaged in any aspect of software testing and is aimed at those who seek a more practical approach to the core software testing material covered at the Foundation level.


Candidates MUST hold the ISEB/ISTQB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing.

Performance-Based Objectives

  • Anyone currently involved in the testing or about to move into a testing role.
  • Those wishing to attain the ISEB Foundation and Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing. Candidates with special examination requirements should consult the ISEB website for their Special Needs policy. Note that the ISEB must be advised at least four weeks in advance of any special requirements.
  • Delegates should already have a basic working knowledge of IT and an understanding of the testing role in software development. Those who intend to sit the examination at the end of the course will benefit from pre-reading the ISTQB Foundation Level Syllabus and a standard text on the subject from the ISEB book list.

Course Content

  • BCS - ISTQB Foundation refresher
  • Testing within Application Domains
  • Testing within the V model
  • Testing within the Agile model
  • Testing commercial off-the-shelf software
  • Challenges of carrying out static testing and reviews
  • Testing and risk
  • Test policy
  • Test strategy
  • Test plan
  • Test monitoring
  • Test analysis
  • Test environments
  • Test coverage measurement.

The official exam is either on the last day of the course or the following day depending on delegate experience levels. The exam is multiple-choice and lasts 1 hour. There are 25 scenario-based questions, with 15 answered correctly required for a pass and the award of the BCS Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing.

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