Course Description
BusinessObjects Universe Design provides all the skills needed to design, build and maintain XI R1/R2 universes. Delegates will learn universe design concepts and terminology as well as the role of universes in relation to BusinessObjects reporting tools.
This course introduces basic universe design concepts, planning strategies, and then leads delegates through the design and creation of a universe that responds to defined user requirements. Delegates will learn to identify and avoid common universe structural problems and include useful end-user functionality, thereby creating maintainable universes that offer optimal usability.
A detailed manual is provided with this course and workshops at the end of each section give an opportunity to practice what has been learned.
Target Student: This course is designed to teach you how to design BusinessObjects Universes using Universe Designer, BusinessObjects XI R2.
Familiarity with BusinessObjects Web Intelligence report building
A general understanding of relational databases and client-server concepts
A Basic understanding of SQL
Delivery Method: Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
1. Introduction to Universe Design
Understanding how universes allow users to query databases using their everyday business terms
2. Creating the Course Universe
The course database and universe
Creating the universe
3. Building the Universe Structure
Populating the universe structure
Defining joins in a universe
4. Dimension Objects
Understanding classes and objects
Creating classes and dimension objects
5. Measure Objects
Understanding measure objects
Creating measure objects
6. Using Lists of Values
Working with LOVs in Universe Designer
Creating a List of Values
7. Understanding and Resolving Loops
Understanding loops
Resolving loops using aliases, shortcut joins and contexts
8. SQL Traps
Understanding SQL traps and universes
Detecting and resolving chasm traps
Detecting and resolving fan traps
9. Restrictions and Condition Objects
Restricting the data returned byobjects
10. Using Functions
Using @ Functions
11. Using Hierarchies
Understanding hierarchies and universes
Working with hierarchies
12. Aggregate Awareness
Aggregate Awareness and universes
Applying aggregate awareness to objects
13. Derived Tables
Using derived tables
14. Linking Universes
Understanding linked universes
Creating links between universes
15. Universe Security
Setting access restrictions on a universe
16. Universe Management
Documenting, deploying and maintaining universes