Business Objects XIR3 Advanced Universe Design

Duration: Days 2
Delivery methods:  
Price per delegate: $1,000
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Course Description
This two day advanced course provides the in-depth knowledge needed to design universes in BusinessObjects Designer.
As a business benefit, you will learn best-practices for creating universes that respond to your reporting requirements.
A detailed manual is provided with this course and workshops at the end of each section give an opportunity to practice what has been learned.

Target Student: The target audience for this course is Universe designers who are responsible for creating and distributing universes using a BusinessObjects Enterprise XI R3 environment

           Delegates should have attended the course BusinessObjects XI R3 Universe Design or have equivalent knowledge
           A good understanding of relational databases and client-server concepts
           Some understanding of SQL

Delivery Method:
Instructor led, group-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.
Course Content

1. Reviewing Universe Design Concepts
Using your BusinessObjects Universe Designer Knowledge
2. Working with Aggregate Awareness
Defining aggregate awareness
Applying aggregate awareness to objects
3. Designing Advanced Objects
Combining Database functions in objects
Constructing relative date-time functions
4. Creating complex Predefined Conditions, LOVs, and Joins
Creating complex predefined conditions
Working with Advanced LOVs
Working with Advanced join syntaxes
5. Securing Universes
Defining connection and user credential parameters
Working with Central Management Server (CMS) universe security
6. Implementing Universe Life Cycle Management
Moving content from Development into Production
7. Maintaining and Optimising Universes
Maintaining universes
Optimising universes
Applying best practices for universe design
8. Creating Universes from Other Data Sources
Creating a universe from an XML data source
Creating stored procedure and JavaBeans universes
Working with OLAP universes

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